
我々広島大学のグループは2022年6月12日―17日まで第11回分裂酵母国際学会開催にむけて準備してまいりました。本大会は分裂酵母がメーンですが、大隅良典先生 (+Paul Nurse博士)に初日基調講演の予定があります。
本メールの内容(以下の英語文)は、分裂酵母研究者回覧メールpombe listにても送信しております。
協力していただける方は、Googleの<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeeEOkIksyUeI9rXXGtg1-SIaod8RzRR__ewAjkosrUkuu_9A/viewform> に入って、お答えください。今から2週間を目処にお願いできればと思います。
登田 隆
登田 隆
特任教授、PhD, 法眼
広島健康長寿研究拠点 (HiHA)
生物・生命科学分野, 生物工学ユニット
〒739-8530 東広島市鏡山1-3-1
TEL: 082-424-7868
Email: takashi-toda@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
URL/HiHA: http://hiha.hiroshima-u.ac.jp
URL/ Lab : http://mccb.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/
Dear the fission yeast researchers,

How are you doing? We hope that all of you stay safe and are well. We are supposed to organise the next pombe meeting in Hiroshima  which is scheduled during June 12-17 2022 (after one year postponement). But as the Covid-19 pandemic is still with us, we have not decided what to do. We spoke with Jacky and Paul, who suggested sending the questionaries (see below) to the pombe researchers. We hope that you could answer them.
Please find the questionaries at <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeeEOkIksyUeI9rXXGtg1-SIaod8RzRR__ewAjkosrUkuu_9A/viewform> and reply to us through this site. (We are sorry if you find some words shown in Japanese: ”必須” means “required”, “回答を入力” means “Type here” and  ”送信” means “submit”)
We would greatly appreciate your participation in this survey and hopefully we receive your opinion within two weeks.
Thank you very much for your cooperations in advance, and we hope that we can see you at the next Pombe meeting (whenever and by whichever format it will be held).
Best wishes,
Takashi Toda
Pombe 2022 Hiroshima organising committee
